Come with me down this street
darling, you are my darling,
and we will notice the trees
heavy with oranges
and the flowering ones will exhale,
their heavy breath
will turn the grass pink.
Come and see
how the blue bird travels
across the ground
his eyes darting
with hunger,
and how the sun slants now
into the afternoon,
for spring is moving
and its blooming cracks
the hard caked soil
and spits out promises.
Turn to me
and see how I move,
as if spirit held me mirthful
and each step is measured
with the fragrance of cut grass.
I will not walk like this tomorrow
or see this burgeoning day,
nor will you look at me with that quick concern
that I know so well
that comes from years of reading gestures.
The language of love
dangles between us
so rare and perfect,
come with me now
darling, you are my darling,
for I will hold your hand
and listen to you weave your words
and we will be quiet
in the sunset,
that is a promise.
In lavender abandon
stretched toward the open road
these flowers of spring
these cascading wonders of color
expose their fragile elegance
as you pass and look
your dog leashed and eager
I see from the window
as you soften
your vision inhaling
the open petal invitation
Heel to the notion
I think to you
across the lawn
for this bloom is so transient
a velvet that succumbs to minutes
and through the dark and dangerous night
will not linger
Breathe it into reverence
though your tether is bounding
it is still
and in its blooming
cares not of mortal whim
it would make me smile
Listen this gentle house
The tile rings of wear
and surfaces ask repair
How the years have told
the children ringing still
down the hall across the floor
the laughter then the slam of door
Gone gone
Watch the wooden chair rock
when I was just a lass of three
and my father’s lap was part of me
now it is filled with ghosts
remote and dusty
Feel the living room music
the rug rolled back
and socks on like skates
across the dip and swirl
of late I’ve missed the hold me close
and the songs within my gate
Songs ring me still its true
and yet I love the love the you
that fills this place
the embrace is here of years
and gentle house you keep the leak
pushing out the old and torn of wear
and the rain though falling
falls elsewhere
Listen this gentle house