Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hello February

Welcome to my life this day is blue
and I have learned a thing or two since last we met
though snow lays grounded in some places tease
the dappled sun in me feels blessed and pleased

Don’t try to freeze me till I break
I am most sure and filled with light
even in the night I dream of lavender wings
in joyful reminder that I no longer ache

She decided long ago to go
and I've mourned   my love to show
for many years I looked at February
as a month of fearful tragedy
now I see grief as a learning tool
one must pass through like any school
and I'll no longer show my love with sad
but rather in understanding love is glad

How about this
I let February be a place to see
a new flow within my stream
where loosened the rage of loss explores
the rippled lake of Evermore

not because I have forgotten Michelle
but choose to feel her love's warm spell
all the time


  1. Ah, dear Martie, your words are indeed deeply inspired by Michelle's love and your bond is infinitely precious at all times. Hugs, sweet friend.

  2. Growth as delicate as violets in spring...February is a month of mourning and reflection for me, too, Sis. A month that I half dread and half welcome, if only to see what will change next. This year I chose to change the focus, and instead of grief, I'm looking at my tributes to Love and life! Thank you for your beautiful inspirations!!! Xoxox

  3. I just stumbled in, passing through...
    I hope you made it through your month.
    Your prose poem really strikes a chord.
